The Theosophy
King Arthur Pages
King Arthur’s
Marriage to Guinevere
or Myth
Kings Arthur has appeared in many ancient legends and
although his story has been embellished by many writers, we can be certain that
the story of King Arthur is based on the life real charismatic military leader.
So who might King Arthur have been?
We can be certain King Arthur was not a medieval King
with a council of knights in suits of armour and a big castle called Camelot
that looks something like the North Wales castles built by English King Edward
1 (1272 -1307).
We know very little historically but if we accept that
he existed, then King Arthur was probably a 5th century warrior chief who
protected his peoples from the Saxon invaders for a time.
The battle of Camlan probably took place and is connected
to King Arthur, but virually everything about King Arthur is conjecture. He
could have come from Cornwall, Wales, Southern England, Northern England .
Britain abounds with sites which have King Arthur connections.
King Arthur was said to be the son of Uther Pendragon
and Ygraine of Cornwall. Arthur is a near mythic figure in Celtic stories such
as Culhwch and Olwen. In early chronicles he is presented as a military leader,
the dux bellorum suggesting a conncetion with the declining post Roman Britain
of the time.
In later romance he is a king and emperor. The Tudor
monarchs traced their lineage to King Arthur and used that connection as a
justification for their occupation of the English throne.
Irrespective of whether King Arthur was real or mythical,
it cannot be denied that King Arthur has been a major influence on literature,
from the early Middle Ages to the present day. And although if King Arthur had
been a "real" king, he would have lived around the 5th or 6th
centuries, it is more as a Middle Ages knight that he is presented in
From Malory to Tennyson to T. H. White. The central
story is of a noble kingdom of high ideals, whose ideals are undermined by the
adultery of Queen Guinevere with Lancelot, the most noble of
all the knights. And eventually brought down by the
treachery of Mordred. In spite of this, Arthur's memory lives on. Historia
Brittonum (written c.830AD) says “Arthur fought against them [the Saxon
invaders] in those days, together with the kings of the Britons, but he was the
leader in battles [dux bellorum].” The rest of the text lists a number of his
supposed battles of which the Battle of Badon is the only one that we know from
other historical sources (Gildas’s De Excidio
Britanniae of c.540AD, which mentions the battle but not Arthur).
The main impetus for Arthurian stories starts with
Geoffrey of Monmouth who records Arthur's birth, childhood, ascension to the
throne, military conquests, and death. He places King Arthur as living from the
late fifth century to 542, when the king was mortally wounded in his last
battle. This story became the basis of the Arthurian legend, and was built on
by Chrétien de Troyes and Sir Thomas Malory.
Geoffrey completed his History around 1130, using
earlier sources such as Gildas, Nennius, The Annales Cambriae and Bede. But
none of these makes any subsantial mention of a King Arthur. So where did he
get his facts? Geoffrey claimed to have had in his possession a "certain
very ancient book written in the British language." However nobody else
has used this book, and if it existed, has not been passed down to modern times
Other attempts to fill-out the above concept of King
Arthur have focused on trying to localise this Arthur. Arthur has been placed
by various researchers as the war-leader in the North of Britain, the South,
the Midlands, southern
Scotland as well as Wales and Cornwall . But these are
not particularly sucessful at localising King Arthur, as the early
"historical" references just
are too vague to tie him down.
But the main source of Arthurian myths did not come
from British English writings. Rather from French authors living in Brittany
about 300 years before Malory's epic Arthurian tale was published.
They might well have based their tales on stories told
by English Crusaders in the 11th century, but they undoubtedly embroidered
these stories themselves. These early romantic novelists gave us most of the
myths that was later further embroidered by Malory and Tennyson.
So really King Arthur, the 'King of the Britons' was
in probably a French invention, as are so many of the details of the legend
that come from these early French writers. Lancelot, his affair with Guinevere,
Excalibur, Camelot, the Round Table, Sir Perceval all originate with these
French writers.
And at roughly the same time Geoffrey of Monmouth was
writing his History of the Kings of Britain. In Geoffrey's story Arthur lived
during a war-torn period in Welsh history, and becomes the leader of a large kingdom
he has created by military victories against the invading Saxons. In Geoffrey's
Arthur goes on to invade France, defeats the Roman
armies and almost conquers the remnants of the Roman empire.
It seems that there was a war leader, whose name we do
not know, who defeated the Saxons, checking their advance temporarily. As time
went by people remembered this leader fondly, the good old days and a touch of
"Oh, if only ... was our leader now". Eventually the name Arthur
stuck as his name in folk memory, and his ascribed deeds grew long after his
death - King Arthur arrives, the once and future king.
King Arthur &
The Round Table
Merlin & The Tree of Life
the Magician
Born circa
400 CE ; Welsh: Myrddin;
Merlinus; English: Merlin.
The Holy Grail
The Theosophy
King Arthur Pages
Arthurian & Grail Links
the Quest for Wholeness
Telling the
Story of our Times
Diana Durham applies concepts from Arthurian Legend
leadership strategies in the modern era
Perform Your Own Arthurian Legend
Diploma in
Arthurian Literature
Offered by Bangor
University, North Wales.
The Diploma
covers theoretical, historical and
cultural aspects
of the Arthurian myth.
Bangor University
also offers Diplomas in Medieval Studies
and Medieval and
Early Modern Literature
Arthur’s Labyrinth
Underground tour through a series of caverns
and tunnels Corris Craft Centre,
Corris, Machynlleth, Powys SY20 9RF
Contact Tel: 01654 761584
King Arthur's Round Table Revealed
The Battle of Badon Hill / Mynnyd Badon may
have taken place at Bardon Hill in Leicestershire
King Arthur’s victory at
Local legend suggests that this battle took place near
The Long Man of Wilmington in Sussex
A cave where Arthur and his knights lie sleeping
General pages
about Wales, Welsh History
and The History
of Theosophy in Wales
Cardiff Theosophical Society Website
The National Wales Theosophy Website
you run a Theosophy Group, please feel
to use any material on this site.
Theosophy Cardiff’s Instant Guide
Independent Theosophical Blog
One liners and quick explanations
About aspects of Theosophy
H P Blavatsky is usually the only
Theosophist that most people have ever
heard of. Let’s put that right
The Voice of the Silence Website
An Independent Theosophical Republic
Links to Free Online Theosophy
Study Resources; Courses, Writings,
The main criteria
for the inclusion of
links on this
site is that they have some
(however tenuous) to Theosophy
and are lightweight,
amusing or entertaining.
Topics include
Quantum Theory and Socks,
Dick Dastardly
and Legendary Blues Singers.
A selection
of articles on Reincarnation
Theosophical writers
Provided in
response to the large
number of
enquiries we receive at
Theosophical Society on this subject
The Voice of the Silence Website
Lentil burgers, a
thousand press ups before breakfast and
the daily 25 mile
run may put it off for a while but death
seems to get most
of us in the end. We are pleased to
present for your
consideration, a definitive work on the
subject by a
Student of Katherine Tingley entitled
It’s all “water
under the bridge” but everything you do
makes an imprint
on the Space-Time Continuum.
Aardvarks were harmed in the
Within the British Isles, The Adyar Theosophical Society has Groups in;
of Man*Lancaster*Leeds*Leicester
upon Tyne
Devon*Northampton*Northern Ireland*Norwich*Nottingham
Perth*Republic of
The Spiritual Home of Urban Theosophy
The Earth Base for Evolutionary Theosophy
The Theosophy Cardiff Nirvana Pages
National Wales Centre for Theosophy
Blavatsky Wales Theosophy Group
Theosophy Cardiff Cancels its Affiliation
to the Adyar Based Theosophical Society
and becomes an independent body within
the Worldwide Theosophical Movement
Theosophy Birmingham (England)
The Birmingham Annie Besant Lodge
Theosophy Cardiff has links with the
The Theosophy
Sunset at
The Theosophy Cardiff Guide to
The Theosophy Cardiff Guide to
The Theosophy Cardiff Guide to
The Terraced Maze of Glastonbury Tor
Glastonbury and
Joseph of Arimathea
The Grave of King Arthur & Guinevere
Views of Glastonbury High Street
The Theosophy Cardiff Guide to
Camberley, Surrey,
England GU15 2LF
Concerns about the
fate of the wildlife as
Tekels Park is to be
Sold to a Developer
Concerns are raised
about the fate of the
wildlife as The Spiritual Retreat,
Tekels Park in
Camberley, Surrey,
England is to be
sold to a developer.
Tekels Park is a 50
acre woodland park,
for the Adyar
In addition to
concern about the park,
many are worried about the
of the Tekels Park
Deer as they
Confusion as the
Theoversity moves out of
Tekels Park to
Southampton, Glastonbury &
Chorley in
Lancashire while the leadership claim
that the
Theosophical Society will carry on using
Tekels Park despite its sale to a developer
Anyone planning a
“Spiritual” stay at the
Tekels Park Guest
House should be aware of the sale.
Future of Tekels Park Badgers in Doubt
Party On! Tekels Park Theosophy NOT
Tekels Park & the Loch Ness Monster
A Satirical view of
the sale of Tekels Park
in Camberley, Surrey
to a developer
The Toff’s Guide to the Sale of Tekels Park
What the men in top
hats have to
say about the sale
of Tekels Park
The Theosophy Cardiff Guide to
Pendle Hill, Lancashire, England.
An Outline of Theosophy
Charles Webster Leadbeater
Theosophy - What it is How is it Known?
The Method of Observation General Principles
The Three Great Truths Advantage Gained from this Knowledge
The Deity
The Divine Scheme The Constitution of Man
The True Man
The Wider Outlook
Death Man’s Past and Future Cause and Effect
Complete Theosophical Glossary in Plain Text Format
Classic Introductory Theosophy Text
A Text Book of Theosophy By C
What Theosophy Is From the Absolute to Man
The Formation of a Solar System The Evolution of Life
The Constitution of Man After Death Reincarnation
The Purpose of Life The Planetary Chains
The Result of Theosophical Study
Preface to the American Edition Introduction
Occultism and its Adepts The Theosophical Society
First Occult Experiences Teachings of Occult Philosophy
Later Occult Phenomena Appendix
Theosophy and the Masters General Principles
The Earth Chain Body and Astral Body Kama – Desire
Manas Of Reincarnation Reincarnation Continued
Karma Kama Loka
Arguments Supporting Reincarnation
Differentiation Of Species Missing Links
Psychic Laws, Forces, and Phenomena
Psychic Phenomena and Spiritualism
Quick Explanations with
Links to More Detailed Info
What is Theosophy ? Theosophy Defined (More Detail)
Three Fundamental Propositions Key Concepts of Theosophy
Root Races
Ascended Masters After Death States Reincarnation
The Seven Principles of Man Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Colonel Henry Steel Olcott William Quan Judge
The Start of the Theosophical Society Theosophical Society Presidents
History of the Theosophical Society Glossaries of Theosophical Terms
History of the Theosophical Society in Wales
The Three Objectives of the Theosophical Society
Explanation of the Theosophical Society Emblem
Karma Fundamental Principles Laws: Natural and Man-Made The Law of Laws
The Eternal Now
Causation The Laws of Nature A Lesson of The Law
Karma Does Not Crush Apply This Law
Man in The Three Worlds Understand The Truth
Man and His Surroundings The Three Fates
The Pair of Triplets Thought, The Builder
Practical Meditation Will and Desire
The Mastery of Desire Two Other Points
The Third Thread Perfect Justice
Our Environment
Our Kith and Kin Our Nation
The Light for a Good Man Knowledge of Law The Opposing Schools
The More Modern View Self-Examination Out of the Past
Old Friendships
We Grow By Giving Collective Karma Family Karma
National Karma
India’s Karma
National Disasters
Try these if you are looking for a
local Theosophy
Group or Centre
UK Listing of Theosophical Groups
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General pages
about Wales, Welsh History
and The History
of Theosophy in Wales
Conwy Castle on the
North Wales Coast
Wales is a
Principality within the United Kingdom
and has an eastern
border with England. The land
area is just over 8,000
square miles. Snowdon in
North Wales is the
highest mountain at 3,650 feet.
The coastline is
almost 750 miles long. The population
of Wales as at the 2001 census is 2,946,200.
Cardiff, Wales, UK, CF24 – 1DL
Cardiff Theosophical Society in Wales, UK
वेल्स में कार्डिफ थियोसोफिकल सोसायटी, ब्रिटेन
Vēlsa mēṁ kārḍipha
thiyōsōphikala sōsāyaṭī, briṭēna
Cardiff Theosophical Society in Wales, UK has
been promoting Theosophy since 1908 and is
one of the many diverse organisations carrying the
Theosophical Tradition forward into the 21st century
वेल्स में कार्डिफ थियोसोफिकल सोसायटी, ब्रिटेन 1908
के बाद से ब्रह्मविद्या को बढ़ावा देने और 21 वीं सदी में आगे
थियोसोफिकल परंपरा को ले जाने के कई
विभिन्न संगठनों में से एक है किया गया है
mēṁ kārḍipha thiyōsōphikala sōsāyaṭī,
briṭēna 1908 kē
bāda sē brahmavidyā kō
dēnē aura 21 vīṁ sadī mēṁ āgē
paramparā kō lē jānē kē ka'ī
vibhinna saṅgaṭhanōṁ
mēṁ sē ēka hai kiyā gayā hai